好吃的维维火腿:滨口版《奔跑吧第五季免费观看完整版》叶立三作为处女作来说一般整体太像散文了这时候台本功力不显导演功底更别提像纪录片电车上的场景有之后《道具各种调教惩罚视频》的雏形结合dv画质更像是现在网红们的夏日dv vlog但确实感觉很拉了…
焚琴煮鹤君: 2020 I really miss Egypt, ever since the day I left. It’s always complex when a blonde is trapped in old days romance and the mystery of exoticism. She’s always out of the scene, like wearing a big coat in hot weather. Here’s the place to come back. 筆記:Freud, The grateful dead, Winter palace hotel, Revolution, bones and potteries.
我想我不是我了:想起一个朋友讲的小事有个很小很小的女孩儿有天临睡前对她的爸爸说今天晚上一起睡吧要同碰头的睡爸爸问为什么小女孩说这样爸爸就可以看见我做的梦了看到电影里弟弟知道哥哥要被判离开自己时弟弟和哥哥头碰头在一起静默的几秒钟是不是看到同样的场景叶立三哼着歌I don't know.
热岛另一个拖拉板儿: it on the plane, very touching film with plenty of thoughts worth pondering upon...